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Sylvia E Long, PhD, CPH

Sylvia E Long
Program Director

Dr. Sylvia E. Long is a social scientist joining NINR from the National Cancer Institute, Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities. Before joining NCI, Dr. Long was the Communications Director in the Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Education, NIH Clinical Center, and earlier, a Management Analyst at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Additionally, Dr. Long is currently a faculty member at the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences (FAES) at the NIH, where she teaches Communication in Biomedical Science and Leading with Emotional Intelligence.

Dr. Long received her PhD in Communication Studies from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where her research explored associations between perceived credibility, health belief, and willingness to comply with nonpharmaceutical intervention recommendations. Her findings yielded the development of the Perceived Credibility and Severity (PERCS) Model of Compliance, which she continues to employ in health communication and social determinants of health (SDOH) research.

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