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What We Do


The National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) leads nursing research to solve pressing health challenges and inform practice and policy.

Impact of NINR Research

NINR-supported researchers explore and address some of the most important challenges affecting the health of the American people.

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Featured Research

Learn about accomplishments from the community of NINR-supported scientists across the United States.

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Funded Grants and Resources

Technical and financial support for the development of new and innovative products and services in support of NINR's mission.

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NINR Events

View a list of upcoming and past NINR symposia, conferences, lectures, and other events.

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Previous Initiatives

Read about previous NINR programs and initiatives.

Get Involved

It’s our unique perspective that forms the foundation of nursing research and what we do at NINR, and makes our scientific discipline so well positioned to lead through innovations and discoveries that span multiple levels and across sectors to optimize health for all. Join us!

nurse and elderly female patient

NINR offers grants to individuals at all points in their careers, from early investigators to established scientists. NINR grants also support small businesses and research centers.


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