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Decreased Vaccine Hesitancy among Older NYC Transit Workers

This study, funded jointly by NINR and NIA, investigated potential differences in vaccine hesitancy based on demographics and other factors among NYC essential public transportation workers who were union members at the time. The study data was collected in August 2020, before vaccines were available. Researchers found that those 50 years and older and White individuals were significantly less likely to be vaccine hesitant compared to those under age 50 and those who did not report their race, respectively. Controlling for demographics, perception of community risk was found to be an important predictor of vaccine hesitancy. Risk perception at work, personal history of COVID-19 infection, and knowing others affected by COVID-19 were not found to be significantly associated with hesitancy. Degree of vaccine hesitancy was also clustered geographically—for example, Brooklyn had relatively more vaccine-hesitant and non-White residents than other areas. This is an important case study for better understanding the health beliefs and behaviors of a non-healthcare essential workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Meltzer GY, Harris J, Hefner M, et al. Associations Between COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Socio-Spatial Factors in NYC Transit Workers 50 Years and Older [published online ahead of print, 2022 Jun 14]. Int J Aging Hum Dev. 2022;914150221106709. doi:10.1177/00914150221106709. PMID: 35702009; PMCID: PMC9204133.