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Daily text messages help adults sustain weight loss over time

Summary: Following a brief diet and exercise program, daily text messages were sent to a group of obese adults.  The text messages for the intervention group were framed from either a promotion or prevention perspective.  The promotion messages focused on promoting success and rewarding oneself.  The prevention messages focused on preventing failure and avoiding temptations.   At three months the sustained weight loss rate significantly greater in the prevention message group than in controls. Tools such as preventative text messages have the potential to improve outcomes of weight loss programs. 

Shaw RJ, Bosworth HB, Silva SS, Lipkus IM, Davis LL, Sha RS, Johnson CM. 2013. Mobile health messages help sustain recent weight loss. Am J Med. 2013 Nov;126(11):1002-9. Epub 2013 Sep 16. PMID: 24050486